Helen Storrow seminariet äger rum 22-30 mars. Det bygger på WAGGGS’ ledarutvecklingsprogram WLDP (WAGGGS Leadership Development Programme), som du kan läsa mer om på WAGGGS hemsida. Denna gång har seminariet ett miljötema. Ansökningsdeadline är förlängd så att din ifyllda ansökan senast tisdag 10 dec skall ha nått international.secretary@scouterna.se. Hjälp till att sprida och tipsa dina miljöengagerade scoutkompisar (som är 18-25 år, aktiv scoutledare och tjej). Läs mer om deltagarprofil mm nedan och på Our Chalets hemsida: Helen Storrow seminariet.
Du behöver själv stå för kostnaden och resa, men Scouterna internationella grupp hjälper dig med tips på bra fonder att söka. Det finns även stipendium hos WAGGGS kopplat till detta seminarium men som med alla stipendium och fonder är det inget som är garanterat utan bygger på hur stark din ansökan och profil är.
Helen Storrow Seminar
WAGGGS’ Helen Storrow Seminar is a high profile event that has been offering leadership development opportunities for young women since 1986. The seminar is held at Our Chalet, WAGGGS’ World Centre in Switzerland, and addresses the most relevant issues in contemporary society. The seminar will focus on the Environmental Issues of today and explore ways to raise awareness and use practical skills to create change.This Seminar will:
- Give participants the opportunity to develop practical leadership skills, which they can directly apply in their Member Organizations or community
- Offer participants the opportunity to learn about current environmental issues, as well as share best practices and explore ways they can grow as agents of change
- Incorporate the unique natural environment of the Swiss Alps into the learning process
- Give participants the chance to share best practices and to network for the success of future projects
The seminar program will be based on the following topics and approaches:
- Personal Development: – Building your confidence in order to release the leader in you
- Understanding Leadership: – Exploring theories and practices of how to be an effective leader and influence others
- Environment: – Learn and share more about climate change, biodiversity and recycling
- Advocacy: – Learn about how you can raise awareness about the environment and take action on environmental issues in your community
- Communication: – Strengthen your communication skills in a cross cultural setting
Who can apply?
Participants should:- Be young women between 18–25 years old, current leaders
- Be passionate about leadership
- Be passionate about environmental issues, and want to raise awareness about them to make a difference in their community, country and the wider world
- Have an understanding of and be able to communicate in English as the seminar will be conducted in English
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