I want to bring my experiences from within and outside of Scouting, with youth policy and governance; programme and training; partnerships and active citizenship; to work with the Committee and Bureau towards Vision 2023, and maximising our contribution to the SDGs. I want to partner with the Committee and young people in building inclusive and long-term youth participation in WOSM, because I know that when young people are meaningfully engaged in decisions, solutions become more sustainable and effective.
Lastly, I want to bring the SDGs to the governance of WOSM, and to NSOs and local units. I believe that Sustainable Development starts at the grassroots, but depends on support, good governance and a values-based leadership from the highest level - just like Scouting.
How to get in touch with Julius:
Download the candidate letter in pdf: click here.
How to get in touch with Julius:
E-mail: julius.kramer@scouterna.se
Facebook: facebook.com/julius.kramer
Twitter / Instagram: @jullekramer
Download the candidate letter in pdf: click here.
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