Vill du vara med och bidra till WAGGGS program och ledarutbildning, och stötta svenska Scouternas utveckling med inspiration från WAGGGS? Sök till att ingå in en study session som kommer ske 5-12 November i Budapest, med visst förarbete på distans inför och efter. Läs här för mer information.
Vi önskar skicka dig som har erfarenhet och engagemang kopplat till peer-to-peer-learning design, utbildning av ledare eller program. Scouterna kan stötta två deltagare som passar dessa profiler genom att betala deltagaravgiften på 50 EURO.
Du anmäler själv ditt intresse till WAGGGS senast den 24 juli, men senast den 17 juli behöver du anmäla intresse till Berätta varför du vill delta och hur just dina kompetenser och erfarenheter kan stötta WAGGGS respektive Scouterna utifrån syfte och mål. Ange också namn och personnummer, så kan vi intyga ditt medlemskap.
måndag 19 juni 2017
torsdag 15 juni 2017
Julius Kramer candidate for Youth Advisor
These are really exciting times for WOSM, having taken the first leap towards Vision 2023, and seen the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) being adopted - our world’s ambitious plan for the future. I am convinced of the crucial role us 50 million scouts play in making these goals reality, in our communities and globally. I’ve seen it first hand working closely with scout peacebuilders in the Amahoro Amani network, and watching my own scouts grow to become active citizens.
I want to bring my experiences from within and outside of Scouting, with youth policy and governance; programme and training; partnerships and active citizenship; to work with the Committee and Bureau towards Vision 2023, and maximising our contribution to the SDGs. I want to partner with the Committee and young people in building inclusive and long-term youth participation in WOSM, because I know that when young people are meaningfully engaged in decisions, solutions become more sustainable and effective.
Lastly, I want to bring the SDGs to the governance of WOSM, and to NSOs and local units. I believe that Sustainable Development starts at the grassroots, but depends on support, good governance and a values-based leadership from the highest level - just like Scouting.
How to get in touch with Julius:
Download the candidate letter in pdf: click here.
How to get in touch with Julius:
Twitter / Instagram: @jullekramer
Download the candidate letter in pdf: click here.
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