lördag 18 april 2015

Välkommen Anita!

Som ni kanske redan hört har WAGGGS en ny Chief Executive, Anita Tiessen. Här är mailet hon skickat för att presentera sig själv och hennes planer för rörelsen. Igår hölls en Q&A på Twitter, där medlemmar skickade frågor via #AskAntia
Läs mer om Anita och hennes arbete för organisationen på WAGGGS hemsida.

From the Chief Executive, Anita Tiessen

Dear Members,

On my first official first day as Chief Executive I wanted to take this opportunity to say how thrilled I am to be taking up the reins today. I feel very privileged to be part of a Movement that is making such a vital difference in the lives of millions of young people and is taking its place on the world stage as the voice of girls and young women.

In my first couple of months I will be focusing, of course, on getting to know you and the work of the organisation, as well as to think about the organisational culture and the bigger strategic priorities going forward.

I can already recognize the unique qualities of our global Movement which combine to make such a difference to the lives of girls, women and their communities the world over. We are volunteer led, with the girl at the heart of everything we do. We are of the community and for the community. We are about personal development as much as social change. No other organization can claim the same reach or same impact as ours. My challenge, and opportunity, is to grow this even more and I very much look forward to working with you as we strive to offer the inherent benefits of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting to more girls in more places.

As I start my journey with WAGGGS I particularly look forward to connecting with our members from around the world and I hope that together we can continue to deliver amazing opportunities and drive change to ensure that we come that little bit closer to achieving our Mission and Vision.

With best wishes,

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