tisdag 29 december 2015

"Call for facilitators" till Roverway i Frankrike - ny deadline!

Vill du vara med och skapa roligt och relevant programinnehåll för deltagare från hela Europa? Nu söker WAGGGS kreativa, öppensinnade och passionerade ledare som kan vara med och arrangera programaktiviteter/workshops till Roverway i Frankrike nästa år! 

Om Roverway

Roverway är Europas häftigaste upplevelse för roverscouter och äger rum den 27 juli till 15 augusti 2016. Arrangemanget samlar 5000 roverscouter från hela Europa och är ett samarbete mellan WOSM och WAGGGS. Äventyr och upplevelser står i fokus när deltagaren får unika erfarenheter genom interkulturella möten - och vänner för livet. Läs mer om själva arrangemanget på Scoutservice och Roverways officiella hemsida.

Om uppdraget

WAGGGS Europaregion söker nu s.k. "facilitators" till Roverway. Ladda ned och läs hela annonsen HÄR, för fullständig beskrivning av uppdrag och villkor.

Du som söker ska:

  • Vara medlem i Scouterna
  • Kunna kommunicera på engelska i tal och skrift
  • Ha tidigare erfarenhet av program-/aktivitetsplanering för scouter i åldern 16-22 på lokal, regional eller nationell nivå
  • Ha kunskaper relaterade till ett ämne eller tema som du skulle vilja anordna en aktivitet kring
  • Kunna och vilja arbeta i en mångkulturell miljö
  • Ha möjlighet att arbeta flexibelt och på distans, självständigt och i ett team, och hålla deadlines
  • Kunna delta i fysiskt möte den 13-17 maj och på Roverway den 8-14 augusti 2016
  • Vara minst 18 år fyllda den 1/1 2016


Du som känner dig manad och uppfyller kraven, kan söka genom att skicka kontaktuppgifter och en kort beskrivning av vem du är, varför du är intresserad, vilka relevanta kunskaper och erfarenheter du har, och vad du vill bidra med. Mejla din ansökan till Julius Kramer, vice International Commissioner, på julius.kramer[a]scouterna.se, senast den 10 februari (OBS framflyttad sista ansökningsdag).

De ansökningar som Scouterna väljer att skicka vidare kommer att få besked snart efter sista ansökningsdag, och måste vara beredda på att skicka in ytterligare en ansökan till WAGGGS med kort varsel. Observera att det slutgiltiga beslutet fattas av WAGGGS Europaregion.

tisdag 22 december 2015

Åk till Island och var med och påverka nästa Moot!

2017 är det Moot på Island. Nu vill den Isländska scoutorganisationen samla unga scouter från hela norden för att bland annat erbjuda möjlighet att påverka programmet och skapa ett nätverk för stora arrangemang. Den sökande ska vara mellan 18 och 29 samt medlem av en nationell arbetsgrupp, roverscout eller ledare.
Det hela går av stapeln den 5-7 februari och ansökan för dig som är intresserad ska vara Scouterna till handa senast den 7e januari. Alla kostnader täcks, alltså även resa. 

Skicka din ansökan (max en A4) senast den 7e Januari till hanna.landquist@scouterna.se

Läs mer här!  (Notera att ansökan endast behöver gå genom mailadressen ovan!)

Led en workshop för andra unga i Europa!

Den 20-21 maj arrangeras "YO!Fest" och the "European Youth Event". Ungefär 7000 deltagare beräknas vara på plats i Europeiska Unionens lokaler i Strasbourg i Frankrike under mottot "Together we can make a change".

WAGGGS Europeiska region söker nu 5 volontärer för att utveckla och ge en workshop på en av följande fem teman:
1. Gender and leadership
2. Diversity and inclusion
3. Refugees and migrations
4. Peace-making
5. Empower yourself.

Är du 16-30 och intresserad av att träffa engagerade unga från hela Europa och dela med dig på något av de fem ovanstående områdena?

Sök genom att skicka din motivering och relevanta erfarenheter (max en A4-sida) till hanna.landquist@scouterna.se senast den 25 januari.

Mer om uppdraget:
Klicka här! (Skicka endast ansökan till hanna.landquist@scouterna.se!)

För mer information, besök:

söndag 6 december 2015

Call for Diversity Task Force Members WAGGGS

Blev du inspirerad av intervjun med Annie för att börja arbeta ideellt i en internationell arbetsgrupp? WAGGGS söker nu medlemmar till en arbetsgrupp på europanivå med fokus på mångfald! Nedan finner du hela beskrivningen. Om du vill söka och inte sedan tidigare är med i WAGGGS resource pool behöver du skicka ett mail till internationella sekreteraren (international.secretary@scouterna.se) och Sveriges International Commissioner för WAGGGS (ida.krogh.sjoholm@scouterna.se) senast den 17e december.

Following the approval of the Europe Region Membership Development Strategy in 2013, the Europe Region launched in 2015 a call for Diversity Task Force Members to develop a Consultation process and a Strategy on the thematic area of Diversity.

The Diversity Task Force volunteers 2015 have developed an approach and a Strategy towards the work on Diversity and an operational plan has been put forward for the next year 2016 and now our mission will be to implement it! 

General Profile and Roles of the Members of the Task Force
This call is open to all active volunteers from WAGGGS’ Member Organizations meeting the criteria below, including active Europe Region Volunteers. Due to the cross-cutting approach of this project, Europe Region volunteers from the three areas (Training and events; External relations and communications; and Mentoring) are welcomed to apply.

We are looking forward to recruiting 5 committed volunteers. If you fulfil the following criteria, feel very welcome to apply!

The Task Force Members must meet the following general requirements:

  • Be an active volunteer of a Member Organization of WAGGGS; 
  • Represent and appreciate the diversity of the Europe Region WAGGGS (ERW); 
  • Have a command of English that allows you to feel comfortable to effectively communicate (both written and spoken). 
  • Acknowledge the importance of addressing inequalities in guiding and scouting. 
  • Be highly committed and motivated on the topic of diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities and interested by the topic of gender equality; 
  • Be able to demonstrate skills and/or experience in the areas 
    • Diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities 
    • Develop workshops and trainings of trainers. It will be a great plus if these sessions were on the subject of diversity, inclusion, equal opportunities, gender equality, etc. 
  • Have good communication skills - more specifically on social media. 
  • Be committed to accomplish the tasks needed to develop the proposed projects (a sample of projects and tasks is listed below); 
  • Availability to attend agreed Skype meetings as per an agreed timetable. We tend to be flexible! 
  • Availability to attend full face-to-face meetings that will take place in February (tentative dates 19 to 21 of February) and April (dates to be confirmed). 

Special needs will be taken into account in order to ensure that same opportunities are offered to all the applicants.

The Diversity Task Force group will consist of members representing: different organizations belonging to the Europe Region WAGGGS, and a diverse group in terms of gender, age, origin, experience and competences.

General tasks
It is expected that the Task Force Members will be assigned different tasks. Find below a sample of activities:

  • To act as Ambassadors for ERW at all times, ensuring key agreed messages are delivered. 
  • Draft awareness-raising tools and mainstreaming materials and tools 
  • Draft and design visual materials and communication tools (including power point presentations) in line with WAGGGS Branding Policy and in agreement with the Europe Region, to raise awareness on inclusion. 
  • Design activities and facilitate training sessions, workshops, etc. 
  • Prepare presentations, in line with WAGGGS Policy, and activities to raise awareness on diversity and inclusion during country visits. 
  • Collect information and materials to feed a communication plan on diversity and inclusion. 
  • Develop training and workshops and session plans 
  • Develop guidelines to ensure an inclusive perspective in the development of training, workshops, etc. 
  • Develop agendas for meetings and minutes; facilitate sessions. 
  • Keep regular communication and provide updates to the ERW Committee member sponsoring diversity; and with the ERW office – Gender and Diversity Coordinator-. 

Description of the activities
Below there is a sample of the projects that the Europe Region wants to develop in the coming months. For each one, a number of Diversity Task Force Members will be selected on the basis of their expertise and availability. These activities will be developed in close cooperation with the Gender Task Force to combine the inputs of the two groups on diversity and gender, respectively.

Raise awareness on diversity and inclusion
ERW will develop a tool to raise awareness among different stakeholders. The tool will contain information on inequalities, data, examples and also activities that can be developed in different moments such as country visits to raise awareness.

To make diversity visible in the Region, ERW wants to:
● Develop easy to use materials for Committee members and mentors who make visits
● Use the visits to MOs to raise awareness on inclusion.
● Raise awareness about inclusion and equality at all major events, including the ERW Conference, different sub-regional conferences, volunteer meetings etc.

ERW Diversity Mainstreaming tool
The Diversity Task Force will develop the general framework of an inclusion mainstreaming tool to integrate an inclusion perspective into the core activities and structures of the associations that can be used by any MO in the Region.

In order to build a relevant tool, the project will start by gathering case studies and good practices on diversity and inclusion.

Inclusiveness and Gender in Roverway
The Diversity Task Force will support the Europe Region WAGGGS Planning Team in order to include a diversity and inclusive perspective into the WAGGGS Programme for Roverway. The DTF will prepare guidelines and implement a training together with the Gender Task Force in order to support WAGGGS facilitators to mainstream a gender and inclusive perspective into their workshops. DTF members will hold a training at the pre-departure event. Furthermore, the Diversity Task Force Members are expected to apply as facilitators to implement workshops at Roverway taking place between the 8 and the 14 August 2016.

Expected Commitment
The Diversity Task Force is expected to co-operate through long-distance communications tools (e-mail, Skype, phone) in close cooperation with the ERW Committee member sponsoring diversity and the ERW Gender and Diversity Coordinator; to develop the above mentioned tasks by the end of 2016, making the coming 12 months highly demanding. It is to be noted that being a part of the Task Force requires a considerable time commitment. It is foreseen that the Diversity Task Force Members will hold skype calls once a month or more often as agreed on a project basis and individual work as agreed on project basis.

The members of the Diversity Task Force will be assigned to the different projects in light of their experience, availability and interest. Terms of reference will be developed for each project to specifically define the tasks and responsibilities allocation and expected commitment.

Furthermore, Diversity Task Force Members will meet in person on at least two occasions, probably around February (19-21 as tentative dates) and April (dates to be confirmed).

What we offer
✓ An exciting opportunity to contribute and support the Region and our MOs in a crucial area such as Diversity

✓ A learning experience in a motivated and dynamic environment

✓ Collaboration with other volunteers and professional experts in a multicultural environment

✓ A unique opportunity to learn more about WAGGGS and the opportunities offered through an international event

✓ A reference outlining contribution made, achievements and any skills developed through WAGGGS if needed

✓ Travel and accommodation costs to attend the face-to face meetings

✓ …and yes, also some fun!

Please consider that we may decide to video-tape some sessions, or use the photos taken during the meetings for promotion/visibility purposes. If you are not comfortable with this, please let us know.

Practical information
All duly justified costs – in line with WAGGGS Volunteers Guidelines on Travel Reimbursement – related to your participation in the event will be covered from the project budget, based on the presentation of required supporting documentation.

How to apply:
  • If you are a Europe Region volunteer: please send us, latest by the 3 January 2016, a statement of motivation and interest describing your motivation, how you meet the general profile described in the call and what do you think your added value will be to the work of the Diversity Task Force. 
  • Candidates that are not part of the Europe Region Pool of volunteers should apply by sending the expression of interest, through the online form by 3 January 2016. In this case, the candidate’s International Commissioner will need to confirm her/his approval of the application by sending an e-mail to Catherine Bailey Gluckman (Catherine.Bailey.Gluckman@wagggs.org) by 3 January 2016. Please, bear in mind that we will not be able to consider any application unless we have received the IC’s approval. 

If you have any doubts, questions or need encouragement, please do not hesitate to contact Catherine (Catherine.Bailey.Gluckman@wagggs.org) or by phone +32 2 (0)2 893 24 20.

This is an exciting opportunity to support the Europe Region and our MOs in this very key area of our Regional Strategy. We would be excited if you were interested and motivated to join our team on the basis of the criteria and engagement described above!